[Salon] China’s 2021 orbital-weapon tests






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China’s 2021 orbital-weapon tests


In mid-2021, China launched two unprecedented test weapons that travelled long distances in low-Earth orbit before releasing hypersonic gliders into the atmosphere, which hit targets on Chinese territory. Much is unknown about these tests, but this ‘orbital glider-release system’ is a new technology that could substantially increase China’s nuclear second-strike capabilities against the United States and serve as a hedge against the deployment by the US of new missile-defence systems.



In July and August 2021, China tested new types of hypersonic weapons that appear to differ in significant ways from any that have been tested previously, either by other countries or by China itself. In each test, China fired a payload into low-Earth orbit, which travelled at least partially around the globe; it then released a hypersonic glide vehicle that travelled through the atmosphere to a target site in Chinese territory. This is very different from how hypersonic gliders are typically launched, via a short, suborbital ballistic flight. The glider in the July 2021 test released a missile during its final approach, which was particularly surprising to international observers given that this was the first time such technology has been demonstrated during long-range hypersonic flight. These tests suggest that the People’s Liberation Army Rocket Force, the branch of China’s military responsible for land-based long-range nuclear and conventional missile operations, may be developing innovative new weapons-delivery systems. It is possible, however, that they were part of a broader effort by China to develop intercontinental-range hypersonic weapons, which might not result in the eventual deployment of an orbital glider. China has not officially confirmed these tests, and official spokespeople have said that the tests were related to the development of reusable spacecraft with civilian applications.

While these tests have cast light on ongoing shifts in China’s thinking about its long-range strike capabilities, and may reflect its continuing concerns about the missile-defence capabilities of the United States, there is considerable uncertainty about their nature and the implications of the technology that has been demonstrated. China has been pursuing a quantitative build-up in its nuclear forces for several years, including by building new silos for intercontinental-range ballistic missiles and possibly new nuclear warheads, and there is still uncertainty about the role that novel delivery systems such as the ones tested in July and August 2021 might come to play in Beijing’s overall nuclear posture. It is not clear whether the payloads of the weapons under development are intended to be conventional or nuclear, which could cause confusion in a crisis. This is true of many hypersonic gliders, however. There is also no clear evidence that these weapons, if adopted, would have a significant effect on strategic stability, given that China is already capable of penetrating US missile defences using currently deployed missile technology.


The orbital glider-release system


China’s new weapons demonstrated unprecedented capabilities, but their constituent technologies – including hypersonic glide vehicles, orbital weapon systems, and a possible two-stage-to-orbit concept – are all familiar. A Cold War-era platform – the fractional orbital-bombardment system – is the closest analogue. But given that China’s system may have completed a full orbit of Earth, rather than a partial or ‘fractional’ one, it may be more usefully described as an orbital glider-release system (OGRS). Both types of weapons rely on the use of a large booster rocket to insert payloads into low-Earth orbit.


The only fractional-orbit system ever to become operational, the Soviet Union’s R-36O (RS-SS-9 Mod 3 Scarp), was first successfully tested in January 1967 and was deployed until the early 1980s. (The 1979 SALT II Treaty prohibited these types of weapons.) The primary strategic driver for that programme was concern about US anti-ballistic-missile systems and North Pole-oriented warning radars. The Soviet Union began studying the fractional-orbit concept because it offered a way of penetrating US anti-ballistic-missile systems with an element of surprise. It was constrained, however, by the 1967 Outer Space Treaty, which states that parties must ‘undertake not to place in orbit around the earth any objects carrying nuclear weapons’. The R-36O was designed to insert a nuclear warhead on a ‘bus’ into a fractional orbit. When the bus approached a desired target, it could fire on-board rocket motors to de-orbit the warhead and direct it as needed. Most critically, a fractional-orbit payload could be launched on a South Pole-bound trajectory, bypassing US early-warning and missile-defence systems focused on northerly approaches. At the time, the US stated that it did not consider the launch of nuclear weapons into a fractional orbit a violation of the treaty.


"China’s concerns about US missile defences have been an important spur to its development of hypersonic glide vehicles in general."


China’s July and August payloads may have completed a full orbit of Earth, according to public reporting. The test vehicles did not carry live nuclear weapons, but if they had they would have violated the treaty, which China has signed and ratified. The same system, however, could presumably comply with the treaty terms if nuclear payloads complete only a fractional orbit, given the Soviet precedent. This interpretation could be disputed, however, based on uncertainty about the definition of the term ‘in orbit’. (For example, objects that reach orbital velocity while outside Earth’s atmosphere could be understood to be ‘in orbit’ for treaty purposes.)


China’s concerns about US missile defences have been an important spur to its development of hypersonic glide vehicles in general. As early as 2014, the US Department of Defense observed that China was ‘working on a range of technologies to attempt to counter US and other countries’ ballistic missile defense systems’. In February 2020, General Terrence J. O’Shaughnessy, then-commander of US Northern Command and the North American Aerospace Defence Command, testified to US lawmakers that China was ‘investing heavily to improve the survivability and penetrability of its nuclear forces’ via ‘an intercontinental range hypersonic glide vehicle … designed to fly at high speeds and low altitudes, complicating our ability to provide precise warning’. Because hypersonic gliders manoeuvre aerodynamically within the Earth’s atmosphere, they are impervious to interception by the two existing US missile-defence systems that have shown some real-world capability against traditional intercontinental-range ballistic missiles: the Ground-based Midcourse Defense (GMD) system and the Aegis ballistic-missile-defence system using the Standard Missile 3 Block IIA interceptor. These systems cannot intercept targets inside the Earth’s atmosphere.


Strategic rationale


If China’s OGRS is indeed intended as a strategic nuclear-delivery system, it was probably developed as an additional means of defeating missile defences. The US GMD system, which was developed with limited ballistic-missile threats from North Korea in mind, is designed to intercept incoming ballistic-missile re-entry vehicles in northern latitudes and has no capability against hypersonic gliders. The US currently possesses 40 interceptors based in Alaska and four based in California, and multiple interceptors would be fired at each incoming ballistic missile. But Chinese leaders are concerned that such missile-defence systems create a so-called ‘ragged second-strike problem’, which would arise in a scenario in which a US nuclear (or conventional) first strike destroys most of China’s nuclear arsenal, leaving it with a second-strike capability so small that it could be neutralised by US interceptors. (The plausibility of this scenario is debated.) Chinese leaders may view an OGRS or intercontinental hypersonic-glider capability as a substantial improvement on the country’s current second-strike capabilities and a hedge against future US missile-defence development. For example, the US is attempting to develop the capability to intercept incoming hypersonic weapons during the glide-phase of flight.


While the US claims as a matter of policy that its homeland missile defences are focused on North Korea, the 2019 Missile Defense Review states that the GMD system, when used in a conflict, ‘would defend, to the extent feasible, against a ballistic missile attack upon the US homeland from any source’ (emphasis added). The secondary missile fired during the July 2021 test might be intended to enable China to defeat new US point defences that it might in the future choose to place near strategically important command-and-control nodes or in fixed long-range missile silos. This missile could neutralise related missile-defence installations or radars prior to the glider’s arrival on target.



Alternative hypotheses


It is possible that China conducted orbital tests for the sake of convenience, not because it is planning to adopt an OGRS in practice. Since the 1980s, China has conducted ballistic-missile tests over its territory, not eastward into the Pacific Ocean. This has been possible because intercontinental ballistic missiles can be ‘lofted’ – launched at a high angle that shortens their range and enables them to hit a test target within Chinese territory. Intercontinental-range hypersonic gliders cannot be lofted in this way. This means it is impossible to test them fully within Chinese territorial airspace, and this might explain Beijing’s decision to release glide vehicles via orbital payloads.


"The secondary missile fired during the July 2021 test might be intended to enable China to defeat new US point defences that it might in the future choose to place near strategically important command-and-control nodes or in fixed long-range missile silos."


At least one of the two test weapons traversed airspace above the South China Sea during its final phase, according to its reported flight path. This would have allowed Chinese surface ships with relevant instrumentation to study the vehicle in detail in a manner that would not have been possible otherwise, or desirable at an intercontinental range. Had the glider been launched on a ballistic-missile booster towards the South Pacific, for example, US surveillance ships and aircraft might have been able to study and gather information about it, resulting in higher-fidelity intelligence assessments of such a capability than could be obtained through US space-based sensors alone. China may have also found it difficult or impossible to collect remote telemetry data from the gliders: aerothermal chemical phenomena that occur during sustained hypersonic gliding flight can generate plasma sheathes rendering remote communication with the vehicle infeasible.


Orbital testing might also be useful for developing hypersonic gliders capable of travelling intercontinental distances while remaining reasonably accurate. The US encountered substantial difficulties with the experimental Hypersonic Technology Vehicle 2 glider, which sought a range of 17,000 kilometres but encountered several problems during its two flight tests, primarily because of high heat stress. By sending hypersonic gliders most of the way to their test targets attached to orbital vehicles, China reduced the time spent in atmospheric flight. This presumably reduced the cumulative thermal load on the test weapons and may have increased their accuracy. (The August 2021 Chinese test vehicle was reported to have missed its target by about 40 km.)


Another hypothesis – especially pertinent for the July 2021 test – concerns the development of novel two-stage-to-orbit systems. A two-stage launch vehicle reaches orbital velocity using consecutive flight stages and may make use of an aerodynamic vehicle such as an aircraft or even a glider to release a rocket-like secondary stage. The Chinese Foreign Ministry said that the July and August tests related to the development of reusable spacecraft, which is one potential civilian application for two-stage-to-orbit vehicles (there are also military applications). The apparent release of a missile from the glider during the July test suggests that China is interested in assessing weapon separation from hypersonic vehicles. China has shown interest in this technology before. In 2019, for example, the Chinese Academy of Aerospace Aerodynamics released footage of a wind-tunnel test of a two-stage-to-orbit concept, which featured an apparent mothership releasing a smaller ‘child’ vehicle – a similar concept to the reported July 2021 release of a missile from the glider. And in November 2021, Chinese state media reported on the existence of the FL-64 hypersonic aerodynamic wind tunnel, which reportedly was being used to support the testing of weapon-separation and weapon-release concepts for hypersonic vehicles.


Implications for strategic stability


Chinese nuclear-delivery systems already have a significant ability to penetrate US missile defences, and in any case the US maintains that its homeland missile-defence systems are not meant to nullify China’s nuclear deterrent. As a result, China’s development of an OGRS, if intended for nuclear-weapons delivery, would not upend strategic stability or present extraordinary challenges in this area. The implications of a conventional or dual-capable OGRS are more concerning, however. But China’s OGRS, if deployed, would probably remain a niche component of its overall long-range missile forces.


"If an OGRS or intercontinental-range hypersonic glide vehicles are developed and deployed in China with a capability to accommodate both conventional and nuclear weapons, compressed warning times could lead the US to treat any launch as a nuclear launch."


The Soviets perceived that the R-36O system would evade US early-warning systems. But current US missile-warning satellites are located at far higher orbits than an OGRS flight path and would be able to detect both terrestrial missile launches and the de-orbit burns from an orbital-bombardment-style system. While these space-based detection systems may become vulnerable to China’s growing counterspace capabilities, the US would interpret any interference or attack on these capabilities in a crisis as a serious development, obviating any potential surprise-attack benefit of an OGRS.


China’s adoption of an OGRS into its long-range strike capability would have at least two destabilising effects, but these potentially arise with all long-range hypersonic gliders. The first concerns what might be termed target ambiguity. Because gliders are not bound to a predictable ballistic trajectory and can manoeuvre laterally over great distances, it may be challenging for a defender to determine the set of targets that might be vulnerable to an incoming glider. An OGRS might amplify these concerns because when a de-orbit burn is detected by an early-warning system, it would not offer clear information about where the weapon may be heading. Amid this uncertainty, a defender might respond with the worst-case scenario in mind, presuming, for example, that the weapon is targeting national leadership or critical command-and-control facilities. The second destabilising possibility concerns payload ambiguity. If an OGRS or intercontinental-range hypersonic glide vehicles are developed and deployed in China with a capability to accommodate both conventional and nuclear weapons, compressed warning times could lead the US to treat any launch as a nuclear launch. Though official Chinese writings have not recently explored the possibility of conventional intercontinental strikes, the 2004 edition of The Science of Second Artillery Campaigns, an authoritative document intended as strategic guidance for the Second Artillery Corps of the People’s Liberation Army, discussed this as a way to ‘shock the adversary psychologically’. Chinese scholars and strategists have long bristled at US plans to develop prompt global-strike systems, which they perceive to be destabilising, and a conventional OGRS could be refined to provide similar capabilities.




Much remains uncertain about the Chinese orbital-weapon tests of 2021, and it would be premature to conclude that China’s leadership has fully sanctioned the development and eventual deployment of an OGRS-style weapon. The tests coincided with the release of the first public reports regarding the construction of three large new missile-silo fields in western China and the solidification of US intelligence assessments that Beijing is seeking to substantially increase the size of its nuclear-warhead stockpile, and they should be understood in the broader context of China’s shifting nuclear posture. The tests also indicate continuing investments in advanced hypersonic technologies with an emphasis on achieving qualitatively new types of delivery systems for intercontinental-range weapons.


If there is any clarity about Chinese goals in this area, it is that the new long-range strike systems will probably incorporate hypersonic gliders. Whether these gliders will enter orbit as they travel to their targets is less certain. For the time being, US officials will probably seek clarification from authoritative Chinese sources about the intention behind these capabilities. In the coming months and years, further testing of these types of capabilities should be expected.



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